trade winds
- n.信风,贸易风(稳定吹向赤道再向西)

Well , it 's Canadian trade winds .
Sometimes the summers were so hot when the wind dropped in August or when the trade winds sometimes failed in June and July .
Now , the trade winds are blowing north right now .
They rode the trade winds going west .
Sunday brunches are served at the trade winds restaurant .
Winds blowing from west to east and lying above the trade winds in the tropics .
What he discovered were the trade winds and the notion that weather changes throughout the year and as a result the time to travel changes over time .
Despite their limitations , climate models do capture various aspects of the real world 's climate : seasons , trade winds , monsoons and the like .
The El Nino phenomenon occurs every two to seven years , when the prevailing trade winds that circulate surface water in the tropical Pacific start to weaken .
So throw off the bowlines . Sail away from the safe harbor . Catch the trade winds in your sails . Explore . Dream . Discover . -
WMO pointed out Tuesday that since February , trade winds had weakened and there had been a significant warming of the waters below the surface in the central Pacific .
This pause could persist for much of the present decade if the strong trade winds continue , but the paper warns that once they slow down rapid warming is expected to resume .
As the trade winds lessen in48 , the ocean temperatures rise , causing the Peru current flowing in from the east to warm up by as much as5 ℃ .
The short period NS drifts of the divergent latitude in response to the climatic fluctuations are responsible for the alternation of westerly winds and northeasterly trade winds .
A belt of calms and light winds between the northern and southern trade winds of the Atlantic and Pacific . commercially important food fish of northern waters of both Atlantic and Pacific .
While there is no guarantee this situation will lead to an El Nino event , the longer the trade winds remain weakened , and subsurface temperatures stay significantly warmer than average , the higher the likelihood , it said .